Women’s Corner

Women's Corner

Celebrity mom influencers in the US

From baby gear to parenting tips, celebrity mom influencers have taken over social media platforms, becoming the go-to source for many new parents seeking advice and inspiration. These influential mothers not only share their personal experiences of motherhood but also showcase their glamorous lifestyles and fashion choices, captivating their followers’ attention. With millions of followers and an army of dedicated fans, these celebrity moms have created a culture of their own, shaping the parenting landscape in the United States.

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Women's Corner

Best Tips and Toys to soothe a Teething Baby

Teething can be a trying time for both babies and their parents, as the discomfort and irritability that often accompanies the process can make it challenging to keep everyone happy and calm. Teething can start as early as 3 to 6 months, even before a baby can sit up on their own. This stage can be difficult for babies and parents alike, as the discomfort and pain can cause a lot of distress. However, the key to easing this discomfort is by providing teething toys that babies can chew on to relieve the soreness in their gums. When babies chew on teethers, it creates counterpressure that can make them feel better as the teeth start to emerge. If you’re on the hunt for the best teething toys for your baby, there are many great options to choose from. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top teething toys currently available on the market. These toys come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your little one.

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LatestTechnologyWomen's Corner

Top Augmented Reality Beauty Apps

Augmented reality beauty apps are mobile applications that help users visualize themselves with different makeup, hairdos, and accessories. And all this is done virtually without the user physically wearing the makeup, or accessories, or changing their looks.

These apps even let you buy the products that look good on you without even moving out of your couch. Sounds interesting? Let us get to know these augmented reality beauty apps.

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FashionLatestWomen's Corner

Lipsticks to Wear According to Your Zodiac Sign

The past year was spent hiding behind our masks so wearing any makeup was limited to Instagram posts. But as we approach normalcy, we will be able to remove our masks and flaunt our pouts. It is time to bring back the colors to our lives.

Just to get back into the flow, start to pick the best lipsticks shades as per your zodiac sign. All the way from bold to nude colors, we’ll tell you the perfect eye-catching look.

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HealthSelf HelpWomen's Corner

Hacks to heal your skin naturally

Who doesn’t want naturally glowing skin? Healthy and vibrant skin is an indication of good health. But what do you do when your skin itself starts looking unhealthy? Skin aging is a part of the human life cycle. We can’t stop this, but we can work on our skin to slow down this process.

You can heal your skin with a healthy diet and some natural products. Read on to know how to take care of your skin naturally!

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